
Custom Elements v1 and Hot 100 thoughts

  • JavaScript
  • Tutorial
  • Custom Elements
  • Web Components
  • HOT 100

The latest edition of Web Designer is out in shops. This one features twice the regular amount of me, you lucky devils.

Custom Elements v1 Image

First off, it's the usual tutorial for you. With frameworks like React and Angular bringing the idea of componentised web development to the mainstream, it wasn't going to be long before the language had it's own take on things.

Fairly recently, the specifications for Custom Elements and Shadow DOM - two vital elements of the Web Components movement - finally became v1. So now is a great time to jump into them and see what they can bring. Spoiler alert - they're really great.

In this issue, I'm taking you through how to create a tabbed interface, which walks through quite a lot of the groundwork for web components as a whole. While support for v1 isn't the greatest right now, there's a focus on graceful degradation too so nobody loses out.

Hot 100 Image

This issue's a bit different, though. At the start of every year the contributors to Web Designer Magazine put together the HOT100 - a list of 100 things that you might find useful for the year ahead.

I dealt with the JavaScript side of things. I don't want to spoil it, but it basically boils down to great native APIs and even more frameworks. I know, shocker.

Pick up an issue if you get the chance. There's plenty of great things to learn in this one, and even more things that you'll get to learn in the future!